Infiltration Testing

Infiltration testing is used to predict erosion impact and overall soil health in the event of a major stormwater event. Understanding how the soil on your site will react to a stormwater event is crucial for building a safe structure and designing a stable site.

Infiltration testing estimates the hydraulic conductivity of the soil by using a Constant Head Permeameter (Amoozemeter) to determine how quickly the soil absorbs stormwater.  Service includes site visit where our team will use a hand auger to bore ± 72” deep.  The soil retrieved is evaluated by a soil scientist, classified to determine absorption rates, and the absorption rates determine the suitability of the soil, which will be detailed in a report of our findings accompanied by a site map. 

Field Images: Soils & Environmental

  • Soil Evaluation
  • Hand Auger Boring
  • Test Pits
  • Hand Auger
  • Soil Classification