At DES, we understand the importance of minimizing the impact of our services to your property.  That’s why our surveyors utilize the latest surveying and drone technology and follow leave no trace principles – leave what you find, respect wildlife, and properly dispose of waste – during performance of our services.  That’s why fall stands out as the best season to schedule a survey. 

Clear Visibility Improves Accuracy

One of the most significant advantages of getting a survey during the fall is the enhanced visibility. When the leaves fall, it clears much of the underbrush that can obscure survey monuments or existing structures.  With fewer leaves blocking the view, our surveying team can perform surveys faster and drone aerial imagery data collected is more accurate.  

Less Intrusive on Your Property

Fall surveys are less intrusive on your property. During spring and summer, the growth of foliage can create dense and difficult terrain for our field crew. In contrast, when the leaves fall, it’s easier for us to navigate the site. This means fewer disturbances to your landscaping and less time spent cutting through brush. Our team can move efficiently through your property, ensuring we respect both your time and space.

Faster Surveys Mean More Availability

One might assume that the shorter days in fall would slow down the process. However, the opposite is true. With fewer leaves and less overgrowth to contend with, our team can move faster and cover more ground. Even with fewer daylight hours, we can complete more surveys in a single day than we can during other seasons. This boost in efficiency means we can accommodate more clients, delivering our high-quality product in less time.

Wildlife and Environmental Concerns

Another advantage of fall surveying is the reduced risk of encountering wildlife or environmental hazards. During the warmer months, we often have to take extra precautions for dealing with wildlife, such as snakes and stinging insects, that are more active in the spring and summer. Poison ivy, which can grow quickly, is extremely dense and potent in some North Georgia areas, is also less of an issue as it begins to die back in the fall. These factors make it easier and safer for our team to focus on providing top-notch surveying services.

Maximizing Efficiency

Fall is truly the sweet spot for surveys. The combination of clear visibility, faster navigation, and reduced environmental risks allows us to maximize our efficiency and deliver top-notch products and services. This is why we encourage property owners to consider scheduling their surveys during this time. Not only will the process go quicker, but it will also be less invasive to your property, while providing you with the same high-quality results DES is known for.

At DES, we’re proud to offer civil engineering and surveying services year-round, but we always recommend taking advantage of the unique benefits fall brings to the process. If you’re looking for surveying companies near me, reach out to us today to learn more about how we can assist you with your project.